Washington Centarian and World War II Veteran, Evan "Duck" Moore Honored

Published on 13 November 2023 at 10:39

On Sunday, November 12th, Mr. Evan Moore, known as "Duck" to many, was honored at Mark's Tabernacle in Washington, Georgia. Mr. Moore is 106 years old and shared some of the wisdom he has gained over his lifetime. He was presented with a plaque and poster that was signed by those in attendance. Councilman Larry Hill, who was recently re-elected to his seat on city council was also sworn in and his grandchildren read a statement outlining Hill's goals for his next term in office. Some of the goals were stated as being a reduction in utility rates, more affordable housing, growing businesses and providing more education and career training opportunities. Other elected officials in attendance were Nathaniel Cullars Sr., Newton Gunter and Maceo Mahoney. Mayor Bill deGolian arrived just after the event ended and provided his well wishes and thanks to Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore was asked by an attendee, if he had any advice for the city councilmen and newly elected officials. He replied "Treat everybody right, you treat me like I treat you."

City councilman Larry Hill sworn in and his wife Anita and grandchildren look on.

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Carol Bufford
10 months ago

Thank you for Serving Our Great Country so that We can be safe.
May we once Again Be One Nation Under God.
May God Bless You Mr. Evans.

Marion Tutt jr
10 months ago

Thank you for your True journalism, for the city of Washington Ga.Mr.Duck Moore Thank you for your service.