Michael Horgan has been a member of Rotary Club International since 1988 and currently serves as president of the club. The annual pancake supper, coming up on November 4th, is known to many in Washington-Wilkes and is one of their largest fundraisers. Rotary Club International has 1.4 million members worldwide. On the Rotary.org website, the mission is listed as; "We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders." The vision: "Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves."
Horgan shared some ways that the local Rotary Club fulfills the mission and vision. They provide scholarships to students, contribute to a farm to table food bank, provided computers for rooms at Wills Memorial Hospital, help fund AP courses at the high school and created the Little Free Library book kiosks around Washington. Horgan said that while the pancake supper is a "legacy fundraiser" he would also like to create legacy service projects such as a wheelchair ramp project in Madison County Georgia. There, the local Rotary Club provides wheelchair ramps for citizens who need them and the project is one that continues on. He said that discussions of what a legacy project in Washington would be, are in process. Some of his goals for Rotary are to achieve more diversity in membership and to create a line of succession and more members serving on the state board of directors.
If you would like to buy tickets in advance for the pancake supper, you can contact any member of rotary or email Rotarian Angela Booker at angeladc212@gmail.com.
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